Saturday 29 October 2016

We are a family of Surviving Victims of a False Accuser and Wrongful Conviction. A Letter to our Grandchildren

We are a family of Surviving Victims of a False Accuser and Wrongful Conviction.

A Letter to Our Grandchildren

We love you all. Always have. Always will.   Remember to be happy.

We find it very difficult to write this letter, but because we love you so much, we must!!

The laws of this country which we taught you to obey and respect, are not there to protect you at all.  They are there to destroy you.  They won’t allow Grandad to be with you until, you are 16, because someone who was jealous of our happy family made false allegations against him and the police believed them.  There was no evidence, no proof, just the ramblings of a person who had mental health issues and a grudge against us, at the time.

The fact that Grandad is a good and decent person, who had worked hard to support and provide for his family all his life, was not considered.  As you know Grandad is now sitting in a cell convicted of a nonexistent crime, no evidence, Not Proven, the Jury guessed.  And unfortunately, we have now discovered that there are many others in the same position as us.  All suffering as we are!  We have been honest with you from the beginning.  As you know we taught you always to tell the truth.  We are trying to appeal this outrageous judgement but the Justice System, for some reason does not like to admit that it makes mistakes and makes it very difficult. It seems the establishment that runs this country prefer to allow innocent people to sit in cells rather than admit there was a mistake. (But don’t you worry, Nanna will keep fighting for justice, she will never give up. This country has no rights to do this to our family.  Justice is for everyone! We Count too!!)

We have not started the process of contact, with you, as we do not want the Social Services to be involved in your young and happy lives. Your childhood is precious and does not last very long, we want you to be happy, not full of hate and anger. We don’t want your young lives to be full of social services and police and prisons.

You know we love you.  Always have.  Always will.

It seems everything we ever taught you was wrong.  You cannot trust the police, they are not there to protect you, they are there to destroy you.  You must never put your trust in them, they are out to destroy you.  You must never tell them anything unless you have recorded & filmed your conversation, otherwise they will twist your words and use it against you.  If ever you are interviewed by them, you must have a trusted, experienced, solicitor with you and always answer “No Comment” until you know just what their intentions are.  Do not think you are being helpful, as they are out to get you.  All they are interested in are CONVICTIONS!!!

You must never trust Social Services, they are not there to help you, they are there to take you away from your family.  They have targets to meet.  They will destroy your life.  You are better than that. Your family love you.  Always remember that you are loved. 

Be very careful who you allow to stay over at your house, they may be your friends now, but who knows what problems they could have in the future.  Never become a Teacher or a Carer, or a Nurse or a Doctor, of any kind.  It is too risky. In fact, it is dangerous.  Your whole life can be destroyed by just 1 false accuser.  Anyone can make a false allegation of any kind against you, at any time.  They can say that they had flashbacks from many years ago and the police, CPS and Juries will believe them.  They don’t need supporting proof, then your life will be destroyed.  So our best advice to you is to protect yourself from these false accusers, never put yourself in a position where you are in room, alone with anyone.  Not unless you have a camera and a recorder. 

We were wrong to teach you to be honest and respectful, to care for others and help those who are not as lucky as you.   It doesn’t count for anything.  It is dangerous, to be an honest human being. It is dangerous to help others. It is dangerous to work with children or care for others, as our laws allow false allegations to be made against you without any protection. The false accuser will be given anonymity and paid money to make allegations against you.  The law protects those that tell lies.  It seems we should have taught you to lie, not to tell the truth.  The law will not protect you!!  Please remember that the Law will not protect you, it will protect the person who has made false allegations against you. 

Should you ever be charged with a crime, do not EXPECT a fair trial. The CPS are out to CONVICT you.  They will do or say anything in their powers to obtain a conviction. They are not looking for the truth, they MUST HIT THEIR TARGETS.  They are conviction chasers not TRUTH chasers.  They need their funding! This is their priority!

Please God, we hope that you never have to go to trial.  Trials are a farce.  Do not expect that Justice will prevail, as we did. The Law is not about the truth!!!  In historical sex cases the accused has no chance.  The accused is presumed Guilty, the accuser is called a VICTIM and beyond reasonable doubt has been removed.  It is a game of winners and losers between barristers using human beings as pawns.  Facts and truths do not come into it.  They may as well just toss a coin.

Don’t believe a word you read in the newspapers, as journalists are allowed to print stories, they don’t need facts.  All they are interested in is selling papers.  Sex stories sell papers, the gorier the better.  This is the world you are living in, please be aware of this. 

I am so sorry that Granddad must now miss your young days, he is not allowed to watch you grow up anymore, he is not allowed to take you, playing in the park, or to attend your school plays or take you walking with the dogs, or play throwing stones into the sea, or water the plants in the garden with you and teach you how to paint the fence.   He is not allowed to join in all the fun things we used to play anymore.  I am so sorry, that he can’t be with you anymore, not until you are 16.

Remember we love you.   Always have, Always will.  You are our life!!!

This world is not the wonderful world we thought it was.  We were wrong to teach you this. You need to care for yourself.  Protect yourself.  Remember the current laws can and will destroy you. 

We were all happy until a false accuser came along intent on destruction.  She was successful… None of us will ever be the same again.

We love you.  xxx

Nanna and Granddad

PS.  Nanna spends every waking moment of every day looking for NEW EVIDENCE of a crime that did not happen many years ago.  I will never give up, you know that.  One day the truth will come out.